Friday, May 7th, 17.00 CET, register here for the Zoom panel.

Technology is being weaponized as fast as it emerges and as wonderful as mass communication is for democracy, it also comes with too many threats to count. It has become clear that the digital age heavily features digital authoritarianism. Whether its black-market cryptocurrency funding, coining national cryptocurrencies, the contested triangle of disinformation, democratization, and populism, the promotion and suppression of digital rights by various political regimes, or the risks and implications of fragmentation and nationalization of the digital space, the Black Sea is at the forefront of the use and abuse of emerging technology.

Join CEU’s Nationalism Studies department for a discussion on the latest ways emerging tech is being weaponized in the Black Sea, what the dangers are, and what rights could help ensure democracy in our NATO allies and partner countries.

My panel intervention will focus on the state of digital rights and fragmentation of the digital space in the Black Sea area.