Published in Eastern Focus Quarterly, available online: Turkey’s regional options in the 21st century: between the political West and the wider Asia and in theRead More
Opinion about the Kanal Istanbul plans for Balkan Insight
The material published by Balkan Insight (Apr. 2021) is available at Turkey’s Costly Canal Project Unsettles Black Sea Neighbours.
Time to reassess the reliability of the Eastern Partnership: the need for segmentation and micro-regional strategies
Blidaru, M. (2020). Time to reassess the reliability of the Eastern Partnership: the need for segmentation and micro-regional strategies. COST Action ENTER Policy Brief No.Read More
Impactul situației Peninsulei Crimeea în contextul acordurilor bilaterale sectoriale dintre România și Ucraina
Blidaru, M. (2020). Impactul situației Peninsulei Crimeea în contextul acordurilor bilaterale sectoriale dintre România și Ucraina [The impact of the crisis in Crimea in theRead More